Q: How long is delivery?
We ask all customers to allow 2-3 working days for processing time. Your order will then be shipped out using the delivery option chosen at the checkout. For more information on delivery timescales please visit our ‘Delivery & Shipping’ page.
Q: Can my order be returned?
Yes! Providing the item meets the key criteria listed on our ‘Returns’ page, you will be eligible to a refund or exchange on any item.
Q: How do I know you’ve received my order?
Once you have placed your order you will receive an order confirmation. Please check all mail folders, including junk. If you have still not received an email confirmation then please contact us at info@blureign.co.uk
Q: Where do you deliver to?
We deliver worldwide, however delivery outside out the UK will incur extra shipping costs.
If you have any more questions or issues, please contact us via the below and allow up to 48 hours for a response.
IG: @blureignn
Email: info@blureign.co.uk